Touch of Love
Our purpose is to offer humanitarian AID to those who are in a social and economic disadvantage, a new opportunity to reintegrate into daily life as citizens of a country and a planet where personal achievement depends only on our capacity to work and persevere.
Watch our documentary & discover our journey
helping people living in the streets
"Brand New Day Event"

"El Amor, la Compasión y el Servicio, son la meta más elevada de todo ser humano, descubrirlas nos inspira, practicarlas nos eleva a la misma Presencia de Dios."
"Love, Compassion and Service are the highest form of expression of all human beings. To discover them inspire us, to practice them elevates us into God's
own Presence."
Internacional AID
We will assist 50 elderly people who live in extreme poverty in orphanages and villages in Venezuela
(Barquisimeto, El Tocuyo and Caracas)
This is the list of supplies they need:
-$2,000.00 shipping expenses + $3,000 in logistics and purchasing the articles described below:
-adults daily diapers (S - M)
-adults overnight diapers (S - M)
-individual sheet disposable protectors liners
-mattress protectors (twin, full, queen)
-bed sheets (twin, full, queen)
-new adult female and male underwear (S - M)
-no-rinse body bath
-paper towel
-toilet paper
-fabric bath towels
-medicate anti scar cream
-regenerative skin cream
-therapeutic Ensure protein drink (different flavors)
-B Complex vitamins supplement
-Ensure protein powder
-C vitamins
-female and male diabetic socks
-female and male regular white sport socks
-female and male morning sandals or slippers shoes (S - M)
-digital and non-digital temperature thermometer
-four feet canes
-liquid hand soap
-female and male disposable razors
-female and male shaving foam
-senior's female and male sleeping wear or pajamas (S - M )

Send us your message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!